EmoTrance Massage: Our Healing Hands Assisting Change with Dr Terry Lynch

Dr Teresa Lynch
EmoTrance Massage: Our Healing Hands Assisting Change with Dr Terry Lynch

Explore the avenues of incorporating the fundamental concepts of EmoTrance with the intention to heal through our hands.

Product: 64 Minutes Recording + Workshop Manual

Workshop available separately or as part of complete conference audio recording set.

This recording was taken at the 2010 EmoTrance Conference in the United Kingdom which takes place annually every April. For more information please visit the EmoTrance Conference website.

Workshop Schedule:



We all have healing hands. This experiential workshop will explore the avenues of incorporating the fundamental concepts of EmoTrance with the intention to heal through our hands and also integrate EmoTrance with our Healing Hands into other body work therapies such as Massage. At the end of the session participants will be able to:

a. Gain an understanding of why this process works;  the power of intention and “healing hands.”
b. Integrate the basic concepts of EmoTrance into the “healing hands’ approach. 
c. Discuss the application of the “healing hands” approach to body work, i.e.,,massage. 
d. Practice the concepts learned individually and with a partner.

Participants will walk away from the session with a broader understanding of EmoTrance and its ability to assist in hands on healing for ourselves and others and how to enhance Massage and Body Work therapies integrating the dimension of emotional healing with EmoTrance.

Terry Lynch, DPT holds a Master’s in Health Sciences and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Dr. Lynch has also received an alternative graduate degree in Advanced Massage.

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