Magic & Miracles Minus The Mayhem

Chris Vellis
Magic & Miracles Minus The Mayhem

In this journey of self-discovery for both author and reader alike, Energy Healer Chris Vellis weaves his story in a unique and enlightening manner, often combining humour and enthusiasm with heart-warming honesty.

Dare to Dream of Magic & Miracles

The book, which is part life-story and part guide to personal enlightenment, is both practical and profound, giving the reader the skills to achieve their full potential, as long as they dare to dream.

Dare to dream of Magic and Miracles;

Dare to dream of a world that welcomes, enjoys, embraces, provides and promotes peace, harmony, unity, equity and unconditional love, acceptance and understanding;

Dare to dream that “Positive Personal Empowerment” is possible, accessible and available to one and all.

Magic & Miracles Minus the Mayhem is so much more than a life-story and so much more than a self-help book, it will take you on a journey of discovery that will change you for the better, forever.

This book contains an abundance of empowering insights, techniques and resources to help you experience your own extraordinary healing and transformation. It will provide great comfort,peace of mind and immediate benefits to anyone who is seeking guidance, clarity and validation in their lives. It is dedicated to helping you answer many of your heart-rending and soul-stirring questions.

Dare to dream, aim high and aspire to experience the benefits derived from this book. Accompany author Chris Vellis on this magical and miraculous journey where you will encounter some amazing discoveries about this “game called life”. Not only will your discoveries excite, energise and empower you in the very first instance, but also encourage you to experience many for yourself.

Transformative Life-Changing Insights & Opportunities

"This book delivers a very personal account of a man's continuing journey towards becoming an enlightened being. Chris weaves a story using his own life experiences with candid enthusiasm and humour. He delivers instructions, affirmations and meditations on how to achieve the potential your individual soul is craving.

This understanding and guidance will be a beacon for many people who are still on their own personal quest to discover spirituality. His generosity and positive energy is woven throughout the fabric of this book and is representative of its subject - the synchronicity of spirit." - Catherine Cowie ND. BA. Queensland, Australia

  • Discover how you can reinvent your identity and live the life you’ve always wanted.
  • Discover why you are here, your energetic signature of significance and your higher purpose.
  • Discover the astonishing, multidimensional aspects and gifts of your duality.
  • Discover what’s really behind your many health afflictions, including chronic illness and depression.
  • Discover the real reason why humans use only around 10% of their brainpower and even less of their body’s multiple energy systems. Find out why you may not be experiencing or enjoying Vital Energy Optimisation and how you can rectify that problem.
  • Discover why so many things aren’t always as crystal clear as they seem to be (such as in “Mind verses Multidimensional”).
  • Discover why the Ego mind wants to be boss and “King of its Domain”.
  • Discover how to survive any “rock bottom” crisis and to draw on its sometimes hidden positives for inspiration.
  • Discover that healing comes in many forms, seen and unseen, magical and miraculous.
  • Discover the holistic correlation that exists between your own emotional intelligence and your body’s multiple energy systems. The associative functionality that these “cause and effect” scope of influences have on your quality of life, health and well-being is nothing short of extraordinary.


"I sincerely wanted to help those who were enduring their own “rock bottom” encounters. From personal experience, I questioned why repetitive patterns of adversity kept occurring in my life. I needed to know the reason why my soul was not at peace.

What began as a “will to succeed” quest of survival resulted in a predestined, 12-year study of my Magical and Miraculous Esoteric Makeover. I had to share this information with as many people as possible. I had been doing so in a limited capacity, but all that changed when my soul’s highest purpose to write this book yearned to be fulfilled.

My Great Leap of Faith opportunity presented itself in May 2008, and I didn’t hesitate to begin the magical, miraculous and life changing adventure of writing my first book. What makes the entire experience even more astonishing to me was the exponential soul growth and evolvement that I encountered in doing so.

My soul’s highest purpose and essence also entails becoming an advocate for the many amazing metaphysical energy healing practitioners both in Australia and globally, the accomplishment of which is something that excites, energises and empowers me. In order to fulfil my purpose, I have embarked on an amazing adventure and journey that is very dear to my heart."

Chris Vellis, June 2010

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