EMO - Energy In Motion - Welcome to the Modern Energy store!Dive into the oceans of energy with Silvia Hartmann's paradigm shifting method for real energy work with real results in the real world. Love AND Logic! EMO Energy In Motion: Emotions, Energy, Information & LoveSilvia HartmannPowerful information every person on this Earth needs to hear about. Over 20 years of EMO in theory and practice have taught us so much about energy, how it works with human emotion but also with thought and behaviour. EMO Energy Dancing 1: The Joy Of Dance: Extraordinary EMO Energy Body Healing With The Power Of Movement, Music & DanceSilvia HartmannEnergy Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to increase energy flow throughout the body. This causes emotions to change for the better, as well as being a very fast method to de-stress and re-energize profoundly, and very quickly. This acclaimed program contains a complete instruction course in Energy Dancing by Silvia Hartmann, PLUS a bonus album featuring all the "trance dance" energy dancing music you can play at any time. EMO Energy Dancing 2: The Sacred Horse: EmoTrance Energy Self Healing With The Power Of Movement, Music & Dance: Primal Energy!Silvia HartmannExperience the magic of dance and find profound relief, release, new energy flow, new ideas and bright young feelings and sensations for your mind, your body, and your energy body with this brilliant energy dancing program from the acclaimed Energy Dancing series, created by Silvia Hartmann. This acclaimed program contains a complete instruction course in Energy Dancing by Silvia Hartmann, PLUS a bonus album featuring all the "trance dance" energy dancing music you can play at any time.
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