Fantastic Energy Nutrition
Awesome Energy Experiences
for your happy, healthy Energy Body!
All change starts from the energy body up!
Yet the energy body is constantly being ignored when it comes to health and fitness.
Give YOUR energy body a real treat for a change
with Silvia Hartmann's delicious
Champagne Turquoise

Enter the magical dimensions of a healing river, deep underground - here, you can find release, endless support, loving embrace and so much more.
Here, there are nutrients, essences, energies and ancient wisdom to give your energy body what it has been hungering for, all this time.
Here is cleansing, deep level purification and absolution, too.
Here is rest, buoyancy and recovery, deepest stress release.
Here is energy, awakening; here is recharging, the joy of movement, the excitement of flow, regained.
Give YOUR energy body some love -
give YOUR energy body just 30 minutes, once a week,
to experience this delightful, energy body health and fitness centred
Modern Energy Meditation!
De-Stress, Strengthen & Revitalise
Your Beautiful Energy Body ...
... with Silvia Hartmann's
Gorgeous Modern Energy Meditation
"Champagne Turquoise"

A Beautiful Uplifting Experience For YOUR Amazing Energy Body!
Available as a quality MP3 to enjoy more and more profoundly with every use.
A fabulous energy tonic that gets better and better.
Give your energy body some love and attention -
it will reward you in the most wonderful ways.