Solve Your Problems In Minutes With EFT

Mercedes Van Essen
Solve Your Problems In Minutes With EFT
Do you feel stressed and overburdened by your problems? Problems are a mental attitude. When you change the way you see your problems they disappear. It only takes 10 minutes daily to build your mental focus. Increase your vibrational energy with EFT and redirect your focus, almost instantly. Once you change your mental state you can solve any problem fast and without stress. Anyone can learn these simple techniques. You can put them into practice immediately.

Let’s face it - life consists of a string of problems waiting to be solved. Whether you are aware of it or not you are permanently in problem solving mode.

Problem solving often even begins before you get out of bed, when you are figuring out how to best jiggle the many tasks of the day ahead. Setting priorities for the ordinary things, like organising breakfast, the kid’s school run, getting to that meeting on time are the daily bread and butter of problems we deal with without blinking an eyelid.

Your problem solving skills will be more challenged when you have to justify that request for a pay rise, tell a college that he has been made redundant, or find a way to raise funds for that dream house beyond your budget, the list is endless.

So what is the difference between these little problems we solve daily by automatic pilot and those larger problems which seem to test our mental skills in a way ordinary problems don’t?

The difference is simply ATTITUDE - and this work book will teach you the skills and techniques you need to make the difference with your problem solving.

Discover how to solve problems the easy way and put an end to:

  • Struggling to solve problems at work
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of confidence
  • and much more...

It is not the hours you spend on learning new things but the regular practice that gets you there.

  • Raise your vibrational energy with EFT, almost instantly and
  • Solve any problem fast
  • Feel relaxed where you used to feel stressed
  • Get more done and enjoy more free time
  • Increase energy levels
  • Be more confident in everything you do..
  • You can use these techniques immediately

Introducing Your Guide to Problem Solving: Mercedes Van Essen


Self awareness is the key to a happy, healthy and successful life.

I learned this lesson many years ago when I started my own business in marketing and PR., mainly working with small businesses. It soon became apparent to me that people were bringing their domestic problems to the workplace and this was affecting their efficiency far more then they realised. Unnecessary behaviour problems lead to interpersonal problems with colleagues and health problems. For my regular clients I became a reluctant counsellor as people were confiding in me pouring out their problems. This intensified my studies in all matters of personal development.

One day, seemingly by accident I stumbled across Geopathic Stress and the severe effects that it can have on our emotional and physical health. I began research into geopathhically stressed environments lasting several years.

The findings of my personal studies in this field would eventually changed the way I now work as an advanced EFT practitioner and energy consultant.

After the break up of my marriage I decided to change careers and began trading commodities, fulfilling a long held ambition. In the course of learning to become a consistently profitable trader I learned more about myself then in my entire life thus far.

Finding it most challenging to concentrate on the computer screens for hours on end and executing trades quickly and flawlessly I resorted to energy techniques to increase my concentration and focus as well as my energy levels. I also studied Buddhism and other eastern philosophies in earnest.

Finally I became so engrossed in these studies that I determined to make a new career out of this and helping others to help themselves.

I am a level 3 EFT practitioner and REIKI master. Using a combination of EFT, NLP, HUNA, REIKI and various other energy techniques I am now working with clients internationally on all matters of the mind and environment facilitating healing of emotional and physical issues.

My own blend of holistic approach to mind, body and environment is continually developing as I learn from my clients, colleagues and the workshops I attend.

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