Improve your Relationships - Improve YOUR LIFE! 8-9th July 2006: Europa Hotel London Gatwick UK

Silvia Hartmann
Improve your Relationships - Improve YOUR LIFE! 8-9th July 2006
Personal Development with Silvia Hartmann - No experience in NLP, EFT, EmoTrance, Project Sanctuary or Energy Magic required. If you have waited for a fabulous personal development workshop for YOU, here it is ...

Improving Relationships:

NO Pain. Just GAIN.

Our Relationships Define Us.

Relationships Make Or Break Our Incarnations.


Take A Fantastic Two Day Workshop

with Silvia Hartmann

and really

Improve YOUR Relationships -



Gentlemen: Read on! This is not some fluffy, lurvey new age nonsense that does nothing but embarrass you. This is a clear cut personal training to improve performance across the board in the way your central systems handle relationships *as a human being*. When love and logic align, we really see, feel and experience RESULTS in the real world.

Ladies: Too many amongst us drown in floods of unwanted emotions relating to relationships - fears, old sadnesses and miseries of all kinds. Let's take control and rise into our true, pure HUMAN powers as adults to make extraordinary relationships that EMPOWER us and our loved ones!

From Silvia Hartmann:

Gentlemen, Ladies ... and All Others.

I know for a FACT that the relationships systems and their state of functioning in a person are THE MOST IMPORTANT aspects of how successful we can EVER be in life.

I wanted to a new training, one JUST FOR HUMAN BEINGS, and I came back and back to the topic of RELATIONSHIPS.

  • I understood that if we just improved our relationships systems by a mere 10% across the board, our lives and our experiences, day to day, WOULD BE TOTALLY TRANSFORMED.

Every one of us would breach a true threshold into a different way of being altogether.

I personally invite you to come along and join us for the first time on July 8th/9th at Gatwick, UK, to be a part of a group focused absolutely on restoring our relationships systems to better, brighter functioning.

We have all the tools, and all the will; we really do all know that if we improve our relationships, we will be able to get all those things we've always wanted so much more easily - and it doesn't matter if that is love, or respect, or even money and the rich rewards of success.

Relationships are the wind beneath our wings, and we really all need to improve our flying performance, take it to a higher level, so that we may soar!

If you can see the sense in that, and if you are willing to put your best attention and focus on this topic, for yourself and everyone else who is going to be there, then please be personally invited to attend.

One me. Two days. Eight highly focused and targeted sessions. Twentyfour unique exercises. And the intention of the entire group - we won't be able to fail to make significant improvements, each and every one of us, even if we tried!

Even better still - all the techniques and approaches we will be using are positive. They are joy based, love based, attention based - because only joy can heal us of the past. No pain, ONLY gain.

That's how the Creative Order designed us to function, and we are finally beginning to learn that, and to apply it.

Come along.

This is going to be EXCEPTIONALLY good.

My invitation to you,


Silvia Hartmann

Creator, EmoTrance, Project Sanctuary, The Harmony Programme

PS: You do not have to have any experience with NLP, hypnosis, EmoTrance, EFT, Project Sanctuary or Energy Magic. All the exercises are FOR PEOPLE - if you are a consenting adult with a will to improve their relationships performance, then you are fully qualified to attend.

PPS: As a special bonus, I have arranged it so you will receive the complete workshop audio recording with all the techniques so you can continue to practice and improve even further when you get back home.

PPPS: This workshop is highly focused and personal. I have therefore limited the number of participants to 44. Book early.

Improving Relationships:

NO Pain. Just GAIN.

Here are just some of the highlights of "Improving Relationships":

  • Significantly improve your CONFIDENCE in all aspects of handling relationships.
  • Relationships without stress - is it possible

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