Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships

Silvia Hartmann
Love EFT

Silvia Hartmann's book literally re-writes "the book on love" - and finally, makes the POWER OF LOVE a living, breathing, tingling reality and a force of good in your life - pretty much instantly! LOVE IS ENERGY - tap into the power of love with "Love EFT" and make love YOUR goal!

 Love Is Energy!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia HartmannSilvia Hartmann's book literally re-writes "the book on love" - and finally, makes the POWER OF LOVE a living, breathing, tingling reality and a force of good in your life - pretty much instantly!

Not to be confused with old style psychotherapy, pop psychology, 1950s self help or new age hallucinations, this is a NEW way to look at love - realistic, hard hitting, transformational, and with a huge "Thank GOD for that!" factor which you only get when something is right and true, and finally explained so we can make use of it.

Unlike the aged gurus of the past, Silvia Hartmann doesn't just tell you "to love yourself more," "to learn how to forgive," "let go of the past" or to "stop being so negative all the time."

  • Silvia Hartmann tells us HOW we do that!

Cleanly, logically, fresh and new, step by step she unfolds the real principles of love as the energy that drives the Universe, and what we have to do right now to finally get our long deserved share of love.

Whether you are a lover, or looking for love;

whether you are in, out or between relationships

or whether you advise others on their love problems,

in this excellent and concise book

you'll find the answers you have been searching for.


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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If you want to get more love into

your mind, body and spirit, into YOUR LIFE, right now ...

You'll be blown away by what you find inside Silvia Hartmann's wonderful "Love EFT."


Love EFT - A Must Read!

Helena Buche, Berlin

Thank you Silvia, for a wonderfully inspiring, uplifting and loving book.  

Before I say anything, I would like to stretch out my energy arms and give Silvia a bear hug for writing "Love EFT". Thank you Silvia, for a wonderfully inspiring, uplifting and loving book. I took my time to read it, tried out some of the suggestions and was sometimes simply stunned at the effects e.g. My backache disappeared when I tapped on "Vitality"!

"Love EFT" is not a book to flip through rapidly and then lay aside and forget about. It's a book that one keeps at the bedside table and looks through every night - in preparation for the next day. "... Read Full Review Helena Buche, Berlin 


Just look what's inside Love EFT!

Love EFT lets you discover ...

  • The prime secret key to all love problems - and how to cure them. Yes, seriously!
  • The self concept buster - breaking out of what you thought you were, and entering into the real you instead. Be prepared to be amazed!
  • How to up your X-Factor Rating - now that's going to rock your world!
  • Why delving into the past isn't the answer to a happier future - and what we can do right now to create a better future, at last.
  • How you can use the power of love to wash away the sins of the past, profoundly and amazingly.
  • How to deal with negative thoughts about yourself and others - what psychology could never fix.

Love EFT takes you step by step into ...

  • The simple secret about turning a genius into a fool - and vice versa!
  • How to make other people think you're beautiful - fast. That could come in handy ...
  • How you can broaden the frequency of love - and that's really delicious.
  • What you can do to make the most of the relationship between love and happiness.
  • How to bring light and laughter into all your relationships - and what happens when you do.
  • How to use the power of love itself to protect yourself from bad guys, con men, bullies and stalkers.
  • Powerful new ways of repairing your aura so you'll never be a victim again!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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Love EFT shows you clearly ...

  • How the power of love makes your body younger, fitter, healthier and stronger (without going on a diet or sweating in a gym!)
  • How to raise your vibration - permanently (and attract totally different opportunities, people and experiences into your life!)
  • Three simple steps to make your sex life sparkle ... more and more .... (and you don't even need a partner!)
  • The amazing relationship between love and miracles - yes, really, as if love itself wasn't all the miracle we need, there's even more to it than that!
  • The seX Factor - how sexy energy makes absolutely everything easier, lighter and so much more effortless!
  • How you can have brand new, mysterious sensations that will delight and thrill you from the tips of your toes to the tips of your hair and everywhere in between :-)
  • How to feel lighter, brighter, in other words - how you can feel much more alive and vibrant, and it makes no difference how old you are at all!

And Love EFT also explains ...

  • Your love goals expanded - in, out or between relationships, NEVER settle for second best again.
  • How to avoid - or end! - the endless misery of being stuck on old love goals and exes - the hugest blocks to our journey indeed.
  • The triumph of true freedom to love and be loved in a whole new way.
  • Why you do NOT have to love yourself first before you can start being loved by others - it's a revolution in loving!
  • The amazing method of giving love to yourself that actually works! (You'll absolutely love this, guaranteed!)
  • What do do about fear of intimacy - the greatest barrier to true happiness.
  • How to rescue stale old relationships - step by step.
  • A whole new take on dominance and submission - very sexy!
  • How bliss can guide you on your soul's path (it's like having your own personal compass to enlightenment - this way!)
  • How to finally solve the problem of you being too (old, fat, thin, short, dumb, smart, etc. etc. etc. etc.!) to ever find true love.


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And more, in this awesome NEW book, you will find ...

  • What you really need to know about soul mates (this is important!)
  • How to get over nerves, fears, social anxiety and everything else that used to make you quiver - no more of that!
  • How to use a "cocktail" of positive energy forms to really boost your love factor.
  • Why you can't go wrong with Love EFT - this is just beautiful!
  • Love is logical - you just need to know how it works right, and you're back in control.
  • How to get out of fantasy and illusions about love that stand in your way to real love.
  • Why we must avoid the "empty room love trap" at all costs (and of course, what we can do instead, this is great!)
  • The magic of "love in the village" - you'll know this is right, but Love EFT will show you what to do to make it real.

Love EFT lets you discover ...

  • How to put an end to the "old story of my life" and start writing a brand new chapter - for real.
  • How to stop getting trapped in "massive change fantasies" - this is important stuff everyone should know!
  • What we have to do to go from desperation to attracting every opportunity - and you don't have to become a monk or a vegan first, or start dancing on a hill top at midnight!
  • How to use the power of hope as a prescription against love insanity.
  • The real truth about "unconditional love" - this will blow your mind!
  • How to change other people, not just yourself - pure energy magic!
  • What we can do to "target love energy" so they hit the right places and make the most changes.
  • The powerful base pattern with the power to restore and repair relationships from the ground up - if you want to. Page 71
  • A simple, amazing personal course in learning to love that you can take in under an hour.
  • How to change the future for the better in ten minutes or less, right now - this is amazingly powerful!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And ... Love EFT teaches you the secrets of ...

  • Changing your partner's annoying behaviours - without saying a single word (that is so cool!) Page 77
  • Learn the most profound and important principle of "love magic" - you understand this, and all your relationships will get better, and better ...! Page 79
  • How to get out of the terrible "attention trap" that ruins relationships and into a whole new world of love.
  • What you can give to your partner (and anyone else you love!) for their own personal transformation (this is very important!) Page 81
  • Why people have failed so miserably to control love and emotions with the mind - what a relief that is!
  • What the "dark side of human nature" really is - this is a game changer!
  • How you can stop wrestling with your "personal demons" and gain freedom, expansion, and power.
  • Why and how we need to dissolve old limitations and negative beliefs - and how to do that, fast.
  • The most powerful tip for re-reversing and unblocking heart energy - you are absolutely going to love this! Page 84


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And ... The A-Z of Love EFT lets you discover ...

  • Why we have to respond to "red alert signals" of real love pain fast to avoid serious damage to our future lives - and our bodies.
  • What to do when severe love pain strikes - three super powerful First Aid techniques for love pain.
  • The great secret behind falling in love and love pain - this is going to blow your mind!
  • The "Three Paths To More Love" that will transform any existing relationship for the better - guarantted!
  • The core question to ask to create a shinier couple bubble (so you get to have more fun, laughter, joy and romance in your relationship!) Page 88
  • What we can do to brighten up, heal and restore family relationships (and it doesn't matter how many people are involved!) So useful!
  • How to completely avoid falling back into the same old problems that seemed so stuck and irresolvable!
  • How to avoid having to psychoanalyse yourself or anyone else, and instead, bring more love and proper understanding into everybody's life.


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And ... The A-Z of Love EFT will show you ...

  • How to get huge threshold shifts that give you more than you've ever thought to ask for before! Page 90
  • The magic of "head over heels in love" - this might just be a miracle!
  • Why we must stop gritting our teeth and putting up with annoying behaviours - martyrdom is so unattractive, here's how to stoppit!
  • How to avoid "long term relationship fade away" - keep the love fresh and bright!
  • Understanding the "good Peter, bad Peter" principle and what to do to apply this to your relationships - very important indeed!
  • Why it is important to know that energy body stress doesn't exist in a vacuum - this will give you powerful leverage over other people's behaviours, and your own.


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And ... The A-Z of Love EFT will share the practical secrets of ...

  • What you have to do so that arguments resolve themselves beautifully, rather than leading to fighting.
  • The Power of the "Emergency Stop Positives" and when and how to use them for best effect. Page 93
  • How to stop yourself from getting angry, annoyed, upset, “baited,” or having your switches triggered by "that person" - priceless!
  • Why you need to get out of the hell of the repeating (looping!) arguments - fast.
  • The master rule on how to know when energy work becomes real - and effective.
  • The importance of "The moment of perfect clarity" in any relationship.
  • What you need to do urgently and importantly when a relationship comes to an end - this is life saving information!
  • Why it is so crucially important to stay focused on the experiences of the future, and how we can do that with love and power.
  • How to use "aspects of love" and reclaim your power to love in the present, so you experience love in the future the likes you've never known before.

And there's still more!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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Love EFT is a Love (R)evolution.



Love is all about energy and emotion - that's why scientists could never fix love pain, or even understand it.

When we sort our love problems, we literally sort out the problems of our LIVES.

In Silvia Hartmann's amazing "Love EFT" you will find out...

  • What to do when you (or someone else) falls madly in love and develops a crush - this avoids so many horrible problems!
  • How old "love wounds" need to be healed so they don't leave a person energetically disabled for a lifetime. (This is very important!)
  • What we can do right here and now to help the mistreated energy body not just become whole, but actually evolve to the next level and become stronger, more powerful and far more attractive. Page 99
  • How to get epic experiences from tapping special "heart felt" statements - this is very cool!
  • How to avoid the dangers of "cutting the ties that bind you" - and what we do instead to get over our exes!
  • The top tips for tapping on exes!
  • Why there is nothing gained by tying yourself to the past - and what to do to avoid problems instead.
  • How we can "get over it - FAST!" (and why that is such a very, very good thing indeed!)
  • Why we can stop being terrified of rejection, unrequited love and even bereavement - and take more emotional risks safely and in love.


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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Love EFT lets you discover ...

  • Your personal 7 keys to getting the relationship you want - powerful stuff!
  • How to get over "neediness" - and become attractive instead (think moths to the flame!)
  • Fantasy lovers and dream partners demystified - thank God!
  • Finally, get to know "who you are" - the first step in having a strong and powerfully uplifting relationship!
  • How to get a brand new, sparkling self concept - this is awesome and absolutely priceless!
  • How your true self can help you choose your hairstyle, your clothes and the people in your life that will be good for you.
  • How to not lose yourself in any relationship ever again - no matter how exciting and amazing!
  • How to deal with social anxiety and dating stress - very useful, this has serious repercussions on what you can get out of life, every day!
  • Why "beauty" is just one of the many names of love ...


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And in the A-Z of Love EFT you will find ...

  • Your personal "super powers" and how they transform the way people react to you - this is amazing, you need to try this for yourself!
  • Personal Power Positives - the triggers for instant energy changes, without tapping at all! Page 109
  • The empowering action of giving credit where credit is due - your aspects will love you for this!
  • The amazing power of working with the "relationships entity" - it's like magic, but it's real magic!
  • A wonderful exercise that is more like a prayer or a spell - and has the power to transform all your relationship. Page 112
  • How to send "love gifts" across time and space - and heal broken hearts, and so much more.
  • How to feed the magical energy vampire within - and why that's exactly the right thing to do if you want to be beautiful, and immortal ...
  • Why we must stop asking "What's wrong with me?" as a high priority - this will make you cry, or laugh ...
  • How your existing skills, virtues and talents are the key to future success in just about everything - really, this will amaze you and change the way you think of yourself forever.

And Love EFT will give you ...

  • The practical guide of how to stop making yourself unhappy in relationships - how to stop martyrdom right now (martyrdom is just so unattractive ...)
  • Why we must put an end to "self punishment" immediately - and how to stop a habit of a lifetime!
  • Why "compromise" is a death trap in relationships - and what we can do instead (how to create win-wins so both are blissfully happy!)
  • How we can create wonderfully creative solutions to our oldest and stuckest problems - this is just too delightful for words!
  • Why "your happiness matters" - no, seriously, it really does! (The pursuit of YOUR happiness) Page 119
  • The true meaning of "romance," why it's so important to all relationships - and how to get more of it!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And the A-Z of Love EFT will reveal to you ...

  • How we can SAFELY use the immense powerhouse that is the sexual energy circuitry to really light up our lives - and bring life back into the (oldest) bodies!
  • The stages of the "sex journey" - find out where your own blocks are located, so you can remove them to get more flow of energy into your life.
  • How we take the sex journey afresh - every single time, and how we can take advantage of this amazing adventure to really evolve ourselves and empower our lives!
  • Why apportioning blame and shame never works in long term sexual relationships - but how we can give transformational gifts of energy to help the couple bubble experience the joy of sex in a whole new way. Yum!
  • Why bringing energy awareness into the physical relationship is a gift of unbelievable proportions and a gift that keeps on giving - and how to do that, practically, step by step. Page 126


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And further, The A-Z of Love EFT shows you ...

  • The real truth about Soul Mates - all teenage girls should know this one, for sure!
  • What happened in the past to make us go "love crazy" - and how we can do much, much better than that!
  • How we can get much more aligned with our own souls - now that's going to help when it comes to finding and keeping "soul mates"!
  • How to get over "unrequited love" fast and succinctly - and with your ability to love much stronger, thanks to that experience! Page 133
  • The power of the Guiding Stars - and how to not get trapped by these forever (or if you've been trapped, how to regain your emotional freedom and power!)
  • How to treat Guiding Stars right - and avoid the traps of nervous breakdowns, insanity, severe psychosomatic illness and even death. Essential knowledge.
  • The power of "the miracle" to get movement into the stalest, oldest, stuckest problems - just awesome, beautiful stuff!
  • How to gain true forgiveness - an amazing experience, and a life saving skill to own!


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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And The A-Z of Love EFT gives you ...

  • A beautiful, simple and profound pattern to free stuck aspects from the past - and bring wonderfully powerful energy systems online that will transform your reality in every way. Page 136
  • How to stop being weak, feeble and terrified when someone stalks you or obsesses over you (breaking the stalker/stalkee relationship).
  • What the mysterious X-Factor is, why you need to have more of it (much more!) and what to do to get it. Awesome!
  • Why becoming more attractive and shiny has built in safety mechanisms and protection devices you never knew about. 141
  • Why "sorting your love life" has EVERYTHING to do with material, worldly success, fame and fortune, health and happiness - and why without love, you can never truly be successful. Never mind EFFORTLESSLY successful ...

And finally ...


Love EFT: Positive EFT For Love, Romance & Relationships by Silvia Hartmann

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Experience in your own body,

in your own reality,

why "The power of love" is not just a phrase,

but an actual structural reality,

a law of the Universe itself. 

Created from  the ground up by our very own "First Lady of Energy" Silvia Hartmann, and support by 35 YEARS of practical experience with real people in the real world, Love EFT will transform and delight you. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.

You deserve more love, and YOUR HAPPINESS MATTERS.

Not only to you, but to everyone around you, and to the world.


Love EFT - It's a Diamond of Love!

Ilka Wandel
EFT Master Practitioner Trainer

  Silvia!!!!!!!! I downloaded Love EFT in the morning... Reading all day... its amazing!!!! A diamond of love!!!!!

Silvia!!!!!!!! I downloaded "Love EFT" in the morning... Reading all day... its amazing!!!! A diamond of love!!!!! 

Oh its so amazing I almost finished the book, did the tapping and it was sooo inspiring. I am a river of ideas ...

Thank you - may the love return to you. xxx      Ilka Wandel EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, Spain

Only love has the power to heal.

With Love EFT, it's easy.

You were born to love.

Love is your birthright.

Your happiness matters.


Love EFT Painting by Silvia Hartmann 


Make love YOUR goal.


NOTE: Alongside the eBook and the paperback editions, we've also made some very special discounts on purchasing the eBook alongside Silvia Hartmann's other EFT titles “Energy EFT” and “Positive EFT”, as well as with the fully tutored and certified GoE EFT Master Practitioner distance learning course.

Purchase Options

Love EFT (eBook/English) £4.97
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