Heart Healing HypnoDream by Hartmann and Sivyer - Free Full-Length Energy Hypnosis.mp3

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Download Description:

Download the original Heart Healing meditation to help you calm down, find more centre in yourself, learn to activate your own healing hands and give your Heart Of Energy healing and strength. Heart Healing. The full program is available to purchase from our store.

Do this short, powerful meditation three times a day at times of heartbreak, particular heartache or when you feel you are being overwhelmed by emotions.

Directing "what we have to give" the Heart of Energy is making the best use of our resources and remaining energies, because the heart of energy is the powercentre of the entire energy system.

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Heart Healing from HypnoDreams 2 Album by Hartmann and Sivyer from www.DragonRising.com.mp3 - Unavailable


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