EmoTrance With Animals: Helping Our Animal Friends with Hannah Bradley: EmoTrance & Animal Energy Workshop

Hannah Bradley
EmoTrance With Animals: Helping Our Animal Friends with Hannah Bradley

Learn EmoTrance with animals, for animals and by animals, and discover how to incorporate this into your business.

Product: 23 Minutes Recording + Workshop Manual

Please note: This recording was taken at the 2010 EmoTrance Conference

Workshop Schedule:


Animal Energy is definitely a topic of conversation, for example Caesar Milan- the Dog Whisperer, is constantly referring to the energy of a pack of dogs and the energy dynamics between pack leaders and followers.  Even in the more public sectors, Veterinary Practices and Shops will often have signs in the window advertising Animal Healers.  Have you ever considered expanding your business in this way?  As the public becomes more energy aware it is definitely a worthwhile door to open and it could be your name on one of those signs.

The session will cover:

  • EmoTrance with Animals -- Looking into improving a relationship with an animal be it your pet, another person’s pet or just an animal that you generally have a fear of.
  • EmoTrance for Animals -- Learning how to use the proxy healing exercise to help to heal and understand an animal’s energy system.
  • EmoTrance by Animals -- Exploring the energy dynamics between people and animals, and how this can be used to help clear energetic blocks in the system.

Information as to how these techniques can be used to enhance your current business.

Full details of these exercises will be included in the Conference Manual

Hannah Bradley is an Advanced EmoTrance Practitioner and Love and Relationship Consultant, the youngest person in the world to be so highly qualified in EmoTrance.  Hannah has taken this knowledge into the area of helping people improve their relationship with animals. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in the subject, with some case studies to make the exercises really come to life.

Purchase Options

EmoTrance With Animals: Helping Our Animal Friends with Hannah Bradley (Audio Download/English) £12.97
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