Excel at Sports: Be the Best at Sports, Business & Life with NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming

Jimmy Petruzzi
Excel at Sports

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.

Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%, whether in sports, business or life in general.

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.


Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%.

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.

Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%.

From professional athletes competing on the world stage, to pub league pool players, we all like to perform at our best. Excel at Sport is for athletes, amateurs, coaches and teachers, anyone who wants to know what it takes to be the best. The techniques in this book can be used in all aspects of life, from on the sports field to a high-pressure business meeting, from pushing yourself in the gym  to making the most of family life.

Everything in life is better if you tackle it head on, with a clear, focused mind and the right attitude

Excel at Sports will teach you strategies and techniques such as:

• being able to create excellent states of mind at will, regardless of

• learning how to instil confidence and motivation in yourself and others,

• communicating more powerfully and effectively,

• using positive language and positive instructions when coaching or
teaching, or when giving a half-time team talk, and

• anchoring, or focusing, on past positive experiences in a sensory manner
so as to recreate future success.

"Fantastic, well written and easy to read and follow. Some of the activities are really rewarding and as a semi professional footballer i have taken some of the tasks into my game. I have seen great improvements in my performance and the book on the whole gives an interesting insight into the psychology behind success. The activities provided can also be used in other areas such as business. Thoroughly enjoyable and money well spent." ~ Danny

"Jimmy has written this book in away to suit everyone, newcomer or practitioner and kid on the sports field. It's a very easy read and the exercises are easy to follow and practise because there is no NLP jargon. it's a practical work book in my opinion to produce real results. There are no fake Promises, this book makes you aware and lets you know that we are 100% responsible for every area of our lives. There is a inner that comes with that knowledge. We can create our world how we want it to be and choose how we want to feel." ~ Marco

Jimmy Petruzzi is a world renowned performance coach and NLP expert. For over 15 years he has worked with, and continues to work with, many top level athletes and teams. From Premiership footballers to Olympic athletes, Jimmy is able to help everyone achieve their peak performance in all aspects of life.

Order your copy of Excel at Sports today and see the real difference it can make to your sporting life!

Jimmy Petruzzi Interviewed on TalkSport

On Thursday 24th March 2011 Jimmy Petruzzi was interviewed by Hawksbee and Jacobs on TalkSport radio about his brand new book Excel at Sports

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