Engage The Power of The Positives

Modern Energy Tapping
Created by Silvia Hartmann
It's all about ENERGY!
It's all about MODERN ENERGY
... and Modern Energy focuses on SOLUTIONS.

It is very bad for the energy body ...
To be constantly focusing on the past
To be constantly obsessing about problems
To be constantly digging for "roots of trauma"
To be constantly re-affirming how bad it all is.
To be constantly reminded of ancient pain and suffering.
What the energy body wants and needs is ...

Above all else, to gain more energy!
To find the correct ENERGY REMEDIES for energy problems!
Help, support, strengthening, healing, POSITIVE attention!
A powerful future orientation, going FORWARD instead of back
LOVE, CARE, ATTENTION, SUCCESS, POWER, HEALTH, WEALTH in its widest metaphorical sense
In other words, what the energy body needs is the Power of The Positives to heal, to empower, to expand, to actualise, to get to the next level!

Unlock the Power of the Positives for your personal development and of those you love with
Modern Energy Tapping
Simple, logical, delightful and entirely empowering for beginners and experts alike.

Full, in depth instructions how to do Modern Energy Tapping right from the start.

Many practical exercises throughout to teach you how to unlock the extraordinary Power of the Positives in YOUR life - right now!

Concise, elegant and to the point - get started with Modern Energy Tapping right away.

Unlock your true +10 potential to transform YOUR experience of life!

Bring many, MANY more Star Experiences into your daily life right now!

Replace endless poverty with the infinite abundance of the Oceans of Energy!
Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving - unlock the true Power of the Positives with ...

Modern Energy Tapping
Created by Silvia Hartmann
Get it now.

Don't confuse the Power of the Positives with lame new age positive thinking or old fashioned affirmations.
- The Modern Energy Positives are aspects of LOVE - and LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe!
The true white light of LOVE has always been too much to handle - but we can work with the aspects of love, and finally get all those things we have been needing and wanting FOREVER.
Modern Energy Tapping is the portal to another world - to the Oceans of Energy, and true, endless abundance.

Give yourself the gift of the Power of the Positives.
Modern Energy Tapping
Created by Silvia Hartmann
Powerful, fast acting, effective self help
against stress, anxiety, fear, depression and unhappiness!

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