Power Affirmations: 21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality
Silvia Hartmann
In this powerful and highly focused 12 part self training program, Silvia Hartmann explains exactly and concisely how you can make affirmations that work exactly like magic spells to create YOUR reality of choice. From strikingly simple exercises for absolute beginners, to the amazing Super Magic Affirmations and the Vega Pattern at the other end of the scale, this concise treaty will give you the tools to make affirmations finally come to life, and really start to WORK FOR YOU! Affirmations -NEW Power Affirmations Revealedby Silvia Hartmann From "Power Affirmations" Introduction:
Silvia Hartmann writes: After some decades of research on the topic of affirmations, it is clear to me that a real affirmation is nothing more, and nothing less, than a magic spell. An affirmation is a statement of intent, delivered with power, that becomes inscribed into the fabric of reality and which is HEARD - by many. How clearly this affirmation, statement of intent, is heard, depends on how it is delivered. How far it reaches, and how CONVINCING it is to those who hear it that it is REALLY the will of the person who makes the affirmation, lies at the heart of the practical skill to make affirmations work. Compared to the downright crazy, convoluted and bizarre rituals involved in ceremonial magic, which are laden with the huge disturbances of the ages, and of their originators, most of which were more than half crazy on their best of days, affirmations offer a CLEAN and DIRECT route to reality creation where the results are simply, up to the person who makes the affirmations. With affirmations, we are speaking to "the powers that be" - WHOEVER these powers may be. I use this term of "the powers that be" to not prejudice or exclude ANY helpful aspects or entities who can and will come forward and make it happen - create the desired shift in reality, the change that is being sought. In my opinion, the powers that be very much include a person's own energy mind - previously known as the unconscious or subconscious mind - but also potentially others, and higher forces at that.
Highly recommended! Here is my special 12 part report: Power Affirmations21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - Revealed. In this powerful, BRAND NEW and highly focused self training program, Silvia Hartmann explains exactly and concisely how affirmations are created that work EXACTLY like magic spells to create YOUR reality of choice. In this SPECIAL NEW 12 Part Report created by Silvia Hartmann YOU will ...
Β Power Affirmations21st Century Magic Spells That Change Reality - RevealedA Special 12 Part Report by Silvia Hartmann NEW For 2009 "Giving you POWERFUL NEW tools so YOU can take control of YOUR World." Β
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