Press Releases
![]() The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution: Book Exposes New Paradigm to Management of Global Stress “Pandemic”
A lifetime’s work by GoE President, Silvia Hartmann, ‘The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution’ is a ground-breaking new volume that ditches the world’s default, outdated stress management model, and introduces a rapid, proven blueprint to ridding readers, their loved ones and the entire world of crippling stress. It’s a profound and life-saving new paradigm, that cuts to the root cause of the world’s most destructive emotion and its deadly associated risks.
In 2012, DragonRising's Silvia Hartmann became the first author to write a full length novel live online, with thousands of people watching every keystroke, every word, every chapter come to life. Since then, many authors have begun to do similar online stunts to help promote their work. The latest is none other than 2-time Booker Prize short-listed author David Mitchell, who's best known work Cloud Atlas has sold millions of copies worldwide and is now a feature film starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry.
Olympic athletes and Premiership footballers are at the top of their field, showing pure dedication to their chosen sport and performing at levels that most people can only dream of. So what insights can be gleaned from these sporting heroes that can be applied in the business world? That's what Jimmy Petruzzi, a world-renowned performance coach and NLP expert with more than 15 years experience, sets out to explain in his new book, Excel at Business: Essential NLP & Coaching Skills for Business Success. After years working with the very best athletes in a range of sports from athletics to rugby, Jimmy understands that with some simple and easy-to-follow techniques anyone can perform at the top of their game. It's all about the right mental attitude and self-belief.
![]() One of our books that consistently receives excellent reviews is “Finding The River” by author Sally Topham and today we’re pleased to announce an accompanying audio CD & MP3 download set designed to help you enjoy and get the most out of the material. We are very pleased to introduce Finding the River - Guided Meditations & Healing Techniques...
![]() With excitement for the 2012 London Olympics already growing to unprecedented levels, more and more people across the UK are getting involved in sports. From joining the local track and field club to coaching the under 13's football team, succeeding at sports has never been so high on the public agenda. Elite athletes in all sports know that there is as little as 1% between being the best in the world and coming at the back of the pack. The right mental attitude can be all it takes to gain that 1%.
![]() We are pleased to announce that Family Fun Guide UK are currently giving away copies of the best selling children's EFT book Tapping for Kids! Read on for more details...
![]() The three original EMO books, Vol. 1: Oceans Of Energy, Vol: 2 Living Energy and Vol. 3: Energy Magic are going out of print from June 1st, 2011. The trilogy documents the development of EMO from its beginnings in 1993 to its first formulation as EMO in 2001 and the many different research directions of EMO until 2005. They represent a complete record of the journey of discovery at the time.
![]() Jimmy Petruzzi, author of the brand new Excel at Sports: Be the Best at Sports, Business & Life, will be appearing on TalkSport Radio on Thursday 24th March at 13:45. The interview will discuss Jimmy's use of NLP with sport professionals, as well as the brand new book. Jimmy will be interviewed by Paul Hawksbee and Andy Jacobs on the hugely popular Hawksbee & Jabobs Show. Update: You can now listen to the full interview on our Excel at Sports page, just click the triangle play button on the right hand side of the page...
![]() Being a child has never been more stressful. With exams becoming more frequent, parental separation on the rise, and peer pressure ruling the playground, kids today have it harder than ever. UNICEF even go so far as to say that British children are the most miserable in Europe, whilst the Office of the Children's Commissioner published studies that suggested 50% of children aged 8 – 17 are worried and anxious about their academic performance. Help may well be at hand in the form of a book. Tapping for Kids: A Children's Guide to EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques by author Angie Muccillo uses the gentle technique EFT to help children overcome all forms of stress, whether school or home related.
![]() Those who believe that they will never be a visionary genius just need to relearn how to think, says author Silvia Hartmann. The Genius Symbols fully revised 2nd edition is now available, read on for the press release...
![]() The alternative health community have, over the last few years, gained a great deal of support thanks to a number of scientific research programmes and celebrity endorsements. One such alternative health practice, Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT for short, is proving especially popular and has been recently in the news for helping pop-singer Lily Allen lose weight.
![]() With the upcoming launch of Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows part 1, the seventh and most anticipated film in the series, magic is certainly in the air. But Harry and his cohorts are not the only witches and wizards active in the world today...
![]() Many of our authors will be appearing at this weekends EMO Energy Conference in Gatwick, London. To find out who is appearing please read on...
![]() You can now follow DragonRising on Twitter! This is a great way to keep up to date on the latest DragonRising news, including new books, reviews and interviews. To follow us please Click Here ![]() A new book by UK therapist Sally Topham has just been published. The book, Finding the River: The Energy Self-Help Guide for Surviving Life's Challenges, has been written to help us cope with the many obstacles that life throws at us using practical holistic therapy and meditation techniques.
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