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Energy EFT: Energize Your Life FREE DEMO

Goto Energy EFT: Energize Your Life FREE DEMO Download Page Complete first part of the 2012 essential new EFT book by Silvia Hartmann "Energy EFT." Contains full instructions and complete new EFT Heart & Soul Protocol.

Tapping for Kids by Angie Muccillo (Demo).pdf

Goto Tapping for Kids by Angie Muccillo (Demo).pdf Download Page β€œTapping For Kids” is an EFT Children’s book designed to teach 7-11 year olds how to use EFT as a tool to help them overcome their fears, worries and everyday traumas as well as build their self-esteem. This is the introduction to the book, including full colour illustrations.

There are 2 downloads in this category

HypnoDreams 1: The Wisdom of the Water - Modern Energy Meditations by Silvia Hartmann & Ananga Sivyer HypnoDreams 1: The Wisdom of the Water - Modern Energy Meditations by Silvia Hartmann & Ananga Sivyer HypnoDreams 1 - "The Wisdom of Water" is perfect energy nutrition for the modern energist. The Wisdom ...

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