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Project Sanctuary is easy, and fun. In this straightforward, friendly 15 min. free meditation in mp3 format Silvia Hartmann guides you through the process of setting up a "first Sanctuary". Use this a number of times, then join up the habitats!
Five minute excerpt from The Appollonius Quartet, a unique programme to enhance psychic abilities and paranormal skills for practical every day use.
Ein wirklich wunderbarer HypnoTraum, das Wellenkind zeigt uns den Weg in eine andere Dimension, nimmt uns mit auf seiner Reise - dorthin, wo Heilung zur Wirklichkeit wird. Complete German language HypnoDream from "Reise In Die Heimat".
Deep & Slow Guided Energy Meditation MP3. Free Hypnosis Energy Guided Meditation MP3 with words and music by Ananga Sivyer - The Five Minute Intensive Hypnotic Stress Reducer "Deep & Slow", free to you with our compliments!
Beautiful Calm
The Deep Trance lullaby is a deeply relaxing 1-hour long hypnosis special to aid with sleeping or ascertaining deeper levels of sleep. This is the 5 minute demonstration version of the full product.
Download the original Heart Healing meditation to help you calm down, find more centre in yourself, learn to activate your own healing hands and give your Heart Of Energy healing and strength. Heart Healing. The full program is available to purchase from our store.
Free Hypnosis MP3 - Psychic Circuitry Activator "Ice River" From HypnoDreams Vol.1. For best hypnosis and meditation results, please use quality stereo headphones. The Complete Quality Track Ice River from HypnoDreams 1 - The Wisdom of the Water - Approx. Length - 10 Minutes, Approx. Size - 9mb
1 Minute Sample from "Past Life Regression & Beyond: Many Lives in the Multiverse" by Silvia Hartmann
Author Silvia Hartmann reads out an excerpt from the story "Star Child" from "The Golden Horse" collection of Fairy Tales
One of the magical sound healing hypnosis meditation tracks from Sonic Solutions 1, Here and Now, Underwater Flying is a marvellous hypnotic experience - completely original, fantastic soundscapes to give you rest, relaxation or the space to drift into otherness. For best hypnosis and meditation results, please use quality stereo headphones.
The Complete Quality Track - Approx. Length - 10 Minutes, Approx. Size - 10mb
Download the full, complete Energy Hypnosis track from Hartmann & Sivyer's first HypnoDreams Album The Wisdom of the Water. The full CD is available to purchase from our store.
There are 12 downloads in this category