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Energy EFT: Energize Your Life!

  Silvia Hartmann

Energy EFT

GoE president Silvia Hartmann takes Gary Craig's Classic EFT to the next level with the wonderfully comprehensive Energy EFT. This book is an absolute must-buy for anyone interested in energy and its use turning negative emotions into positive ones. All emotions can be worked with, including Stress, Anxiety, Phobias, Fear & PTSD.


Project Sanctuary

Project Sanctuary is a unique set of processes using intention, energy and metaphor, developed by Silvia Hartmann in 1993, that heals the divide between the conscious mind and the energy mind (unconscious mind, dreaming mind, subconscious mind). It is a fantastic, exciting and delightful process that every human being can engage in. "If you only buy ONE book in this lifetime - make it Project Sanctuary."

The Genius Symbols

Silvia Hartmann defines what it means to be a true genius and proposes that this is a basic human right, rather than an accident of birth. In this paradigm shifting work, which is the result of nearly five decades of research and testing, The Genius Symbols are introduced.


Genius Symbols are now know as the Energy Symbols

Soften & Flow: Energy Hypnosis Self Help Session

  Silvia Hartmann & Ananga Sivyer

Energy Hypnosis - HypnoSolutions

Have a personal energy healing session like no other with Ananga Sivyer and Silvia Hartmann at your pleasure, any time, any day and as often as you require to feel your oldest burdens and troubles Soften and Flow away. 15 minutes of sheer bliss - a "Must Have" for any home first aid kit and the perfect healing for emotional disturbances.

Excel at...

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.

Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%, whether in sports, business or life in general.

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.


Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%.

Elite athletes know that there is as little as 1% difference between being the best, and being at the back of the field.

Excel at Sports by Jimmy Petruzzi is a simple, concise and ground-breaking guide to NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques that can give you that extra 1%.

Catalyst of Power

The Catalyst of Power by Jon Whale, leading researcher in electronic energy medicine, is an extraordinary and unique book. It not only takes the form of a challenge to conventional medical practices but also gives each individual the opportunity to be in control of their own physical and psychological health. This book marks a new beginning and stands out in sharp contrast to all the alternative or complimentary works on health written over the last century, because of its sound basis in both modern science and traditional learning.

Naked Spirit

The NAKED SPIRIT, supported with 254 Illustrations, exposes the essence of the human psyche and is the Supernatural Odyssey. This is a book for Everyone. One can see easily represented and exposed the diversity of the human soul and its spiritual expressions in society. Here, the reader can estimate one’s own position, draw conclusions and discover ways to improve the situation. Containing the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual maps for health and disease together with the Assemblage Point Blueprints, its contents will preserve lives and generate and save more money than can currently be estimated.

Love EFT

Silvia Hartmann's book literally re-writes "the book on love" - and finally, makes the POWER OF LOVE a living, breathing, tingling reality and a force of good in your life - pretty much instantly! LOVE IS ENERGY - tap into the power of love with "Love EFT" and make love YOUR goal!

Excel at...

Working in business is a difficult arena to succeed in.

Using cutting-edge NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming skills Excel at Business by Jimmy Petruzzi will empower you with the techniques you need to get the best out of yourself and others. From high-paced sales to the management of successful teams, this book enables you to adapt and succeed in an ever changing environment.

EMO Energy-in-Motion: Emotions, Energy, Information & Love

Powerful information every person on this Earth needs to hear about. Over 20 years of EMO in theory and practice have taught us so much about energy, how it works with human emotion but also with thought and behaviour.

In this next-level book, you'll find the latest and best techniques, methods, cases and breakthrough insights into how people really work - and what we can do to create extraordinary events of healing and change for ourselves and for others.


  Silvia Hartmann


"Confidence" by Silvia Hartmann is a beautifully crafted HypnoSpecial which works on many levels to increase your inner and outer confidence thus helping you get ready to take on any challenge or goal you set your mind to.

Both the instant MP3 download and audio CD come with two versions of the induction which works with very different parts of your energy mind. Each format also come with the full transcript as a PDF download which is included for all who are interested in hypnotic language.

Positive EFT

Feeling better instantly and raising the energy you need for your life has become as easy as 1-2-3 with Positive EFT.  Groundbreaking, revolutionary, future orientated, success orientated, clean, simple and so profound, this is the book you wish you'd had ten years ago.

Positive EFT was launched in 2013. To read the most updated version of Posititve Tapping please read Modern Energy Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Project Sanctuary

The Far Journeys are four superb guided SuperMind Energy Meditations, taking you to four very different planes that serves as your personal launch pad to having truly extraordinary experiences in Sanctuary with your own dear Energy Mind. Free Bonus induction - The Earth Rise Visualisation Trainer. Created and crafted by Silvia Hartmann for SuperMind fans!


This unique Energy Hypnosis goal setting session, created by Silvia Hartmann, gets us aligned and into contact with most if not all of ourself, and from there, a new form of goal emerges - a SuperGoal, something that is truly important and agreed on by the many aspects of a person, including their heart's desires and their highest path and purpose.

In Serein: The Extraordinary Fantasy Fiction Trilogy by Silvia Hartmann

Young commoner Isca is determined to become a Serein magician so that she may take charge of her destiny and no longer remain a victim to the circumstances of her birth and the oppressors of her world. She is apprenticed to the only master strong enough to control her, the immortal Lord Lucian Tremain, acting Lord of Darkness. In the conjunction between Lord Lucian's ancient powers and Isca's unprecedented talents, a force is born that can take the stars from the sky - but only if they can learn to survive one another.

  • Purchase the In Serein Trilogy eBook set and you'll receive all three books in both PDF & ePub format - perfect for reading on screen, printing out as well as uploading to your Kindles, iPads and e-readers

Online Trainings & Courses

NEW - This beautiful Modern Energy based distance learning course created by Silvia Hartmann will give you the skills, knowledge, abilities and confidence so that you can positively and confidently offer your services as a PROFESSIONAL ENERGY HEALER FOR ANIMALS.  

EmoTrance 2010 Conference Recordings

Learn EmoTrance with animals, for animals and by animals, and discover how to incorporate this into your business.

Product: 23 Minutes Recording + Workshop Manual

Please note: This recording was taken at the 2010 EmoTrance Conference


Past Life Regression has always been about THIS LIFE, and how other lives and their experiences are influencing what is happening FOR YOU TODAY.

In this fabulous guided energy hypnosis meditation session, Goe President Silvia Hartmann takes you beyond mere "past" lives and lets you connect with ANY life that needs your attention, right here, right now. Past lives, alternate lives, even potentially future lives can have an influence because in the ENERGY dimensions, ALL TIME IS AS ONE.


Silvia Hartmann’s beautiful and powerful Energy Hypnosis Program "The Money River" helps us to release painful money stress, find relief from burdens of responsibility and fear of the future, dissolve blockages to success and gives us energy to stay focussed and achieve the life we desire.

Big Ted

Join the lovable BIG Ted as he guides you and your child through Silvia Hartmann’s Modern Energy Tapping technique to help improve stress, emotional health and happiness.

Using simple words and colourful pictures, BIG Ted teaches your child how to tap using their Magic Finger to increase energy flow in a positive, fun and safe way.

Silvia Hartmann’s Modern Energy Tapping is a happy and fun focused evolution from the popular Classic EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques developed by Gary Craig.

Reading BIG Ted to your child teaches them a skill for life and is recommended for young children of all ages.


This beautiful guided inner child meditation created by Silvia Hartmann will enchant you, delight you, enliven you and bring back "the spirit of the child" that has so much power to transform the way we live and experience life today.

Vampire Solstice

Fantasy Fiction by StarFields. For the Vampire community, the Solstice Choosing has been the holiest night of the year - for a hundred thousand years. But this year, something new is about to happen. The oldest prophecies are about to be fulfilled - and the Festival of Blessings is finally upon us.

In Serein 2: The Cage

  Silvia Hartmann

In Serein: The Extraordinary Fantasy Fiction Trilogy by Silvia Hartmann

The Cage is the second book in the In Serein trilogy by master storyteller Silvia Hartmann

  • Purchase the In Serein Trilogy eBook set and you'll receive all three books in both PDF & ePub format - perfect for reading on screen, printing out as well as uploading to your Kindles, iPads and e-readers

In Serein 3: The End of Dreams

  Silvia Hartmann

In Serein: The Extraordinary Fantasy Fiction Trilogy by Silvia Hartmann

The Third Book of the In Serein trilogy by master storyteller Silvia Hartmann

  • Purchase the In Serein Trilogy eBook set and you'll receive all three books in both PDF & ePub format - perfect for reading on screen, printing out as well as uploading to your Kindles, iPads and e-readers

Events Psychology

The Events Psychology Ultimate Package - Silvia Hartmann's breakthrough research into the nature of energy body events, and how the endless quest for trauma, and more trauma, has missed more than 80% of what makes people really tick.

Events Psychology explains the relationships between trauma events and all the many other events that make up a person's life, creates the Events Matrix, how to work with this and most of all, how to use this information to create a better future. Events Psychology is only available from DragonRising, and forms the backbone of modern energist's work, including Energy EFT, EMO Energy in Motion. Highly recommended for all modern energists and required reading for the advanced energists training programs.


Power Affirmations

In this powerful and highly focused 12 part self training program, Silvia Hartmann explains exactly and concisely how you can make affirmations that work exactly like magic spells to create YOUR reality of choice. From strikingly simple exercises for absolute beginners, to the amazing Super Magic Affirmations and the Vega Pattern at the other end of the scale, this concise treaty will give you the tools to make affirmations finally come to life, and really start to WORK FOR YOU!

Aromatherapy For Your Soul

The Aromatherapy For Your Soul collection by Silvia Hartmann comes in 3 comprehensive parts:

  • Aromatherapy For Your Soul - Guide to 121 Aromatherapy Essential Oils & explains their purposes for our energetic, spiritual and emtotional health in a totally different way
  • Creative Aromatherapy - Learn how to get the most out of your essential oils and light up your energy awareness
  • The Magic Garden Meditation - A guided meditation to take a walk in your own healing sanctuary and discover the perfect healing plant just for you

Infinite Creativity - The Project Sanctuary Story

If you have ever wondered where all the extraordinary patterns and techniques came from that create the new Third Field of Modern Energy, here is the story of Silvia Hartmann's discoveries. From the Harmony Program to the Energy Symbols, from EMO to Energy Events, from Project Sanctuary to SuperMind, from Modern Energy Art Solutions to In Serein - if the idea of Infinite Creativity makes you tingle with delight, this book is for you. Caution! This is a book for readers of books. Contains examples, anecdotes, stories, ideas and brilliant breakthrough insights in Silvia Hartmann's original magical English.

Rich and Healthy Witch

The Essential Survival Guide For Magical People, The Rich & Healthy Witch is a powerful book, packed full of wisdom and practical advice for people who are "other than" - other than the other kids at school, other than the other members of their families, and this OTHERNESS sets them apart, makes them different, and can make their lives a misery.

Yet it doesn't have to be this way. Being a "magical person" is a gift, and when we learn what we need to do to celebrate and support our otherness, we stop fighting ourselves, and instead of being our own worst enemy, we become anything we want to be - including a Rich and Healthy Witch!

EMO Energy Dancing

Energy Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to increase energy flow throughout the body. This causes emotions to change for the better, as well as being a very fast method to de-stress and re-energize profoundly, and very quickly. This acclaimed program contains a complete instruction course in Energy Dancing by Silvia Hartmann, PLUS a bonus album featuring all the "trance dance" energy dancing music you can play at any time.

The Golden Horse

Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale format to enlighten, inspire and foster curiosity and delight in exploration.

Modern yet ageless, hypnotic and enchanting, perfect for being read out and spoken aloud, these stories will speak to the magical child within us all.

Magic, Spells and Potions

By throwing out the dusty old spell-books and by challenging the roots, structures and beliefs of centuries old witchcraft, Silvia Hartmann has created techniques that will finally make magic work for you in ways you never believed to be possible.

Appollonius Quartet

Paranormal abilities and psychic skills arise from a co-operation between the psychic circuitry, the energy system and the active neurology.

This exquisite set of hypnotic mind, body, spirit meditations will SIGNIFICANTLY improve all aspects of psychic and paranormal performance by removing shields and blockages in these systems, healing existing injuries and laying out a pathway for practice, new learnings and self guided explorations.

For You, A Star

We can all get lonely, stressed, anxious and depressed at times - this is our "go to" book to gently move from negative energy states into feeling so much better! Turn the pages and let the resonant, energy rich symbol paintings and beautiful energy evocations created by Silvia Hartmann relax you, release tension and move you to the POSITIVE side of life. 

Energy Hypnosis - HypnoSolutions

This unique energy based HypnoSolution heals, re-writes and re-frames many of the misconceptions people have about what the relationship between artist and audience is like, and what one might have to do or become in order to make this unique relationship work, have be HONEST AND TRUE, and mutually satisfying. And then, there's all the other rewards of ... Fame and Fortune! Original Energy Hypnosis Session PLUS a second download containing the meditation music you can play at any time.

LightWorks Professional Edition

  Silvia Hartmann


The perfect tool for Lightworkers, Therapists, Healers & Workshop Leaders, Lightworks Professional is a set of 4 Audios for use by professional lightworkers or energy workers in healing sessions, practice sessions in workshops, group meditations, healing circles to assist in healing, meditation, trancework and to create a safe space for increased confidence and rapport.

Energy Hypnosis - HypnoSolutions

For People Overwhelmed by Major Life Changes, Disturbing Times, Bereavement, Chaos and High Stress - Beloved Golden, the "Tsunami Induction", was especially developed and created to be a source of moral support in times of real need. Gentle, compassionate and deeply stabilising, Beloved Golden cannot change your life, but it can help you find the strength to keep on going when you need it most. This offer contains the Original Energy Hypnosis Session PLUS a second bonus CD containing the meditation music you can play at any time, on Audio CD and/or Quality MP3 Instant Download

The Jesus Meditations

A complete and powerful self help course program, consisting of four plus one extraordinary guided meditations, which will help you access the pure power of white light Christ energy, step by step, and ultimately teach you how to create your own personal experiences of healing and soul evolution through living meditation and the living flow of Christ energy in your life.

Champagne Turquoise

Silvia Hartmann's beautiful Modern Energy Meditation Champagne Turquoise - designed to make your energy body happier, healthier and to sparkle and shine. Wonderfully relaxing, energizing and deliciously awakening, your energy body will thank you for this in many surprising ways!

Deep Trance Lullaby

Sleep NOW! The Deep Delta Trance Lullaby was created by Silvia Hartmann to help people get to rest, relax, and move into a deep delta trance state that will turn into natural sleep.

This is a full one hour Modern Energy Hypnosis Xtra Strength Delta Trance program with one single purpose - to get YOU to SLEEP - NOW. 



De-Stress fast, easily and profoundly - 3 Levels Of Stress Relief - Stress Hypnosis that takes you HIGHER - Learn the movement of consciousness to rise above stress - With practise, you will be able to move out of stress and into clarity "in the field" as and when required - Practical,  time saving 15 minute session length so you can de-stress and clarify your mind at any time, anywhere. Keep this in your First Aid cupboard and use it often, and regularly to remove daily stress and old stress accumulations you might have acquired over time.

EMO Energy Dancing

Experience the magic of dance and find profound relief, release, new energy flow, new ideas and bright young feelings and sensations for your mind, your body, and your energy body with this brilliant energy dancing program from the acclaimed Energy Dancing series, created by Silvia Hartmann.

This acclaimed program contains a complete instruction course in Energy Dancing by Silvia Hartmann, PLUS a bonus album featuring all the "trance dance" energy dancing music you can play at any time.

Vampire Solstice

Unique, powerfully resonant instrumental music album containing 13 beautifully deeply entrancing  original compositions by StarFields specially designed to make you tune out of every day mundane thoughts and enter into the deeper states of mind, emotion and magic.

Get into the mood for magic: Get into your Altar Ego!

Beautiful Calm

  Ananga Sivyer

Moments of Tranquility

Welcome to the realm of Beautiful Calm - guided meditation for busy people. Imagine feeling calm anywhere and any time you choose with these unique guided relaxation and meditation experiences. Ayurvedic expert Ananga Sivyer (HypnoDreams, HypnoSolutions, Sonic Solutions) guides you through 8 unique journeys through a world of soundscapes and textures perfect to help you relax and meditate.

Moments of Tranquility

Moonlight Meditations is the much anticipated sequel to Beautiful Calm by Ananga Sivyer. This incredible audio can help you relax and focus even after the most stressful of days.

Energy Hypnosis - HypnoSolutions

A magical meditation to get closer to Lady Luck and invite her into your life! In this wonderful meditation, you will experience luck in a new way - special moments, special places, luck fields and winds of luck where for a time, reality is quite different. The lucky ones can spot those luck streams and step inside them, and so can you - by learning to hear the secret song.

A wonderfully uplifting, deeply magical and absolutely effective energy magic meditation, created by StarFields with magic music by Ananga Sivyer - don't delay, get more luck into YOUR life today!

Meditation Soundscapes

Drift away to exotic locations, from sandy beaches to lush forests, with these beautifully relaxing Meditation Soundscapes. This instrumental audio download is the ultimate in relaxation.

EMO Energy Dancing

For the lovers of the unique EMO Energy Dance worldwide, here is the new, future focused, joy orientated "Energy Dancing III: Positive Energy!"

Moonlight Meditations: Guided Meditations To Calm, De-Stress & Relax Powerfully by Ananga Sivyer Moonlight Meditations: Guided Meditations To Calm, De-Stress & Relax Powerfully by Ananga Sivyer Moonlight Meditations is the much anticipated sequel to Beautiful Calm by Ananga Sivyer. This incredible ...

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